Snake & Mongoose

The Snake & Mongoose movie will be hitting the silver screen nationwide September 6th and is likely the most anticipated drag racing movie to come out in a long time – see the trailer here.

The movie is about the two famous nemesis’ and how they become synonymous with drag racing, Funny Cars and each other.  Their popularity took drag racing from amateur level backyard-type sport to become a bona fide profession.  Don Prudhomme as the Snake and Tom McEwen as the Mongoose, were in actuality friends, with arguably the better racer, Prudhomme matched up with McEwen the better businessman.

The two arch enemies in the animal kingdom were a deadly pairing yet some know that the two Southern Californians were friends … but many didn’t.  And that’s what this film explores.

As a kid growing up in the ’60s with Hot Wheels, this story has a special meaning but on a wider scale, this pure piece of Americana should conjoin most folks whether you like motorsports or not.  The movie has rare footage and splices into the movie with a look and feel and that will make many wistfully long for the ’60s and ’70s, no matter the long hair and polyester.

As a longtime fan of drag racing with a father who was one of the pioneers of the sport, I grew up following the Funny Car era as it and myself grew up; so this movie and story hit a cord.  With an obvious nostalgic bend to the retro story, I think it will hit a cord with many people even if they aren’t a fan of drag racing.

The two men are still with us and helped oversee the making of the movie.  Hopefully this film will bring on more tales of a time when the world was changing … as was drag racing.

Daryle W. Hier

Home Of Nostalgia Drag Racing


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